Thursday, April 30, 2009

How To Ask a Girl Out

One of the toughest things a man can do is attempt to get a date. Many men struggle with this from the moment they enter puberty up until they are married.

If you are a man that has been in the dating arena unsuccessfully for a while, then you may be thinking women are not interested in you because of your social status, insecurities, or looks. The truth is that it does not always matter what you have. It matters who you are and how you portray yourself.

Any man can pick up nearly any girl he wants. All you need to do is believe in yourself and use the right techniques. It's really an art, but deep down you're actually an artist, whether you realize it or not. To unlock your full potential with an extensive guide, I recommend The Art of Approaching Women.

Now let's get started with these simple steps!

1. Always leave home well-groomed. While, you do not have to be the best-looking man on the block, it does help if you look like you care about your appearance.

Wear nice, clean clothes and cologne when you go out. Remember that while you are single right now, first impressions mean everything. Dress to impress her, whoever she may be.

If you have been wearing the same pants since 1982, buy some new ones! You want to show her that you are ready for any situation the moment it arises, even if it is just asking her out.

You might be asking yourself if you are just running to the grocery store why you need to wear your best clothes. The answer is simple. You never know when you are going to meet a girl you might be interested in dating.

If you find her in the ten items or less line, and you are holding a 12-pack of beer, some corn nuts, and you have on your patented "plumber" sweatpants, how interested do you think she is going to be?

These tips make obvious sense to women, but men sometimes have to look at things from a different perspective in order to arrive at dating success. Talk to a female friend. Or better yet, here's a goldmine of dating advice from a woman's perspective, complete with all the juicy secrets that women would probably rather you DON'T know: Pickup, Dating and Seduction Guide.
2. Think about what you are going to say before you say it. No matter what female you approach, you will find there will be one universal truth about them all. All women like to be complimented.

Flattery will get you much further than cynical and rude behavior. You might think girls like bad boys and this may be true. However, if a girl likes a bad boy, that bad boy is still nice to her.

Have a general idea of what you want to say. If you know the girl well, comment on something you know she likes to do or likes about herself and go from there.

If you do not know the girl and you want to get to know her, try making a joke or asking her for help when you are making a decision. For instance, if you are in a grocery store, ask for help in picking out a certain brand or a type of produce. Women love to rescue that adorably helpless man in an everyday situation.

Use things like this to your advantage. No matter what, remember that what you say initially will help to make or break your chances.
3. Never be afraid to ask for what you want. If you want to ask a girl out but you do not feel you know her well enough, test the waters and ask for her phone number.

If she likes your approach, she will give you hers or ask for yours. If she gives you her number, call her. You can almost guarantee if this happens that it will be possible to get a date with her. However, use the phone number to your advantage at least once.

When you call to ask her out be polite and funny. Be charming! Try to have an idea of what you want to say when she picks up the phone. Being prepared will help make the presentation better and her decision to go on a date with you much easier.
4. Have a Plan of Action. If you know the girl, it is best to plan the first date around her interests.

If she is a chef, you might offer to take her out for a gourmet meal that she does not have to cook! If she likes the outdoors, you might suggest a picnic on the beach. Whatever you plan does not really matter as long as you have her interests in mind.

You might want to test the waters by asking her what her dream date would be like. If you can make her dream date happen, consider asking her if she would like to go on that date with you!

Of course, you could always surprise her with the date of a lifetime. By doing so, you are sure to give her one date she will never forget.
5. Only make promises you can keep. The most important thing is that you fulfill any promises you make. Be yourself and have a good time with her.

Women like men who are comfortable with themselves. Just be honest and up-front and you will see how easy asking her out can be. In fact, if you continue this trend, you may even get more than one date out of the deal.

Asking women out is a breeze when following these tips. For more dating advice, I recommend checking out quality dating blogs. In fact, women are usually just as nervous in these moments as men are. Go easy, be honest, and have fun and she is sure to return the favor tenfold!


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Smiles Predict Marriage Success

If you want to know whether your marriage will survive, look at your spouse's yearbook photos.
Psychologists have found that how much people smile in old photographs can predict their later success in marriage.
In one test, the researchers looked at people's college yearbook photos, and rated their smile intensity from 1 to 10. None of the people who fell within the top 10 percent of smile strength had divorced, while within the bottom 10 percent of smilers, almost one in four had had a marriage that ended, the researchers say. (Scoring was based on the stretch in two muscles: one that pulls up on the mouth, and one that creates wrinkles around the eyes.)
In a second trial, the research team asked people over age 65 to provide photos from their childhood (the average age in the pictures was 10 years old). The researchers scored each person's smile, and found that only 11 percent of the biggest smilers had been divorced, while 31 percent of the frowners had experienced a broken marriage.
Overall, the results indicate that people who frown in photos are five times more likely to get a divorce than people who smile.
While the connection is striking, the researchers stress that they can't conclude anything about the cause of the correlation.
"Maybe smiling represents a positive disposition towards life," said study leader Matthew Hertenstein, a psychologist at DePauw University in Indiana. "Or maybe smiling people attract other happier people, and the combination may lead to a greater likelihood of a long-lasting marriage. We don't really know for sure what's causing it."
Hertenstein said he has considered other explanations, such as the possibility that people who smile more often tend to attract more friends, and a larger support network makes it easier to keep a marriage healthy. Or it could be that people who smile when a photographer tells them to are more likely to have obedient personalities, which could make marriage easier.
The results of the study fit into a larger pattern of research that has found many personality characteristics can be determined from very thin slices of behavior. Basically, we often reveal ourselves in the most subtle, simple ways.
And smiling in photographs has been shown to be correlated with a number of traits, including a generally happier disposition.
"I think [our results] go along with a lot of the literature that's been coming out over the last five to 10 years, which shows that positive emotionality is incredibly important in our lives," Hertenstein told LiveScience. "There are many, many beneficial outcomes to a positive disposition."
The findings are also notable because they found a connection between photos taken when people were young and marriage outcomes that sometimes occurred much later.
"It feeds into this idea that what's occurring earlier in our lives in terms of our present situation and our mental state can predict things that occur decades later," Hertenstein said. "Showing the continuity in who we are is really important."
The study is detailed in the April 5 issue of the journal Motivation and Emotion.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

10 Ways to Get a Guy to Ask You Out

So you like him. Call it a crush, butterflies in the stomach or love at first sight, bottom line - you like him. Now the question is how do you get HIM to like YOU enough to ask you out? There is no sure-fire formula. But do not despair. Here are easy suggestions for you to experiment with and Cupid will do the rest!

1. Be yourself.

Few things put a man off as much as artifice. So if you are talking louder or laughing or smiling more than you normally do, ease up. It may actually backfire. (this is the one of 5 Common First Date Mistakes)

2. Extend this point to external appearances too.

If you are uncomfortable with very short skirts, high heels and dramatic make-up stay clear of them. A natural look and one that you are comfortable with, is very attractive.

3. Accentuate your advantages.

Instead of killing your confidence by following uncomfortable fashion trends, look exquisite by just accentuating your physical advantages. Whether the most beautiful thing about you is your height, your complexion, your eyes or anything else, draw attention to it with flattering clothes and make-up.

4. Take the initiative.

Shrinking coy violets rarely get noticed. So don’t wait the entire evening praying fervently that he will talk to you. Do it first. Smile or say hello to him. Your confidence will disarm him.

5. Leave small gates and windows open.

After you have surmounted that initial wall, leave small gates and windows open. Respond to him physically and verbally with frequent glances and smiles, commenting on the topics and statements he makes and laughing at his jokes. He will realize that you are interested in him.

6. Find out what he likes.

Subtly find out what he likes - food, sports, cars etc and turn the direction of the group’s conversation into that direction. Sound knowledgeable and genuinely interested in those discussions.

7. Position yourself cleverly.

If he wants to make a funny statement or share a grin with just you, do not let others obstruct his view or access. Move around constantly so that it is easy for him to see and speak to you, without sticking to his side all evening.

8. Have fun by yourself too.

If you are with another group of friends, do not spend the entire time watching his every move like a hawk. It will spook him. Enjoy yourself with your friends, get them laughing or talking animatedly to you. This will make him wish he was with your crowd…and especially with you. If he walks over or saunters past, give him a friendly smile or welcome.

9. Let him know you are available.

Subtly indicate that you are not seeing anyone at present, particularly when you are about to leave, or see that he is. If this is too difficult, weave it into the general banter.

10. Discuss the right topics.

When you are talking to each other in the group or just with each other, discuss topics that people normally discuss on first dates such as upcoming concerts, good movies, restaurants etc. Sound excited about these things without sounding eager and an invitation may just be a breath away.

 Now, can we go out together? ^^


Sunday, April 12, 2009

10 Steps How to get the Guy You Want

Do you want a guy to be crazy about you, the way you are about him? While you can't make someone feel a certain way, you can definitely put your best foot forward and give his feelings a chance to develop. Here are some helpful hints on how to charm a guy, while still being yourself.


1. Like yourself. Whether you're goofy, silly, crazy, quirky, smart, reserved, or whatever, how can you expect a guy to like you if you don't like yourself? You've got to show this person how awesome you are, but first you need to know how awesome you are. Build up your self confidence. Now, this doesn't mean you have to be loud, boisterous, arrogant, chatty, or forward. It just means getting to a place where you're comfortable in your own skin. You can be secure, sweet and humble all at the same time. Guys like confident, interesting girls who have their own lives. The only guys who like insecure girls are the ones who are insecure themselves. But who wants to be with a guy who wants a girl to feel bad about herself? That's not healthy, and you deserve better.

2. Get his attention. He can't fancy you if he doesn't know you exist. If you haven't caught his eye yet, then get him to notice you. You've got to walk before you run, right? Say "Hi". Say "Good-bye". Wave. When he reciprocates, is when you know he notices you. Introduce yourself somehow and make conversation. Take an interest in who he is--what he likes, where he's coming from, where he wants to go--and show him who you are, too. While some guys don't like to talk that much, it's nearly impossible for someone to like you if he doesn't get to know you--unless he "likes" you for all the wrong reasons.

3. Crack a joke. Having a good sense of humor makes everything better. That doesn't mean you should be a giggling fool, laughing at everything that crosses your path. Express your sense of humor in your own way. Some people are witty and sarcastic, others can tell hilarious stories, and many people just do quirky things and poke fun at themselves. No matter what tickles your sense of humor, it's much easier to like someone who you can have a good laugh with once in a while. If you don't find something to laugh about together, then maybe you'll discover that you don't like him after all!

4. Do things together. If he loves rock-climbing, ask him if he can show you how, and make a good-faith effort to see why he's so into it. Have an open mind. Find out what you have in common, and include him in your world. If you love a certain kind of music, ask him if he's ever listened to a particular artist and offer to play a CD for him. Finding activities that you can enjoy together can really lay down a bond and further his appreciation of you.

5. Have patience. These things take time. You can't force someone to like you, and trying to hurry things up can ruin the courtship altogether. Give him some space and don't be obsessive. Let things progress at a natural pace, or fade out of natural causes. Eventually he'll tell you one way or another whether or not he's interested in reciprocating your affection. And if he's not, don't hang around him like a lost puppy. Sometimes you might be incompatible in ways that you don't see, and sometimes a guy just isn't ready for a long term relationship. Don't take rejection too personally. It happens. Not everyone in the world is going to like you. Move on! There are other fish in the sea and if you followed the first step, you know that you're a good catch.


* Be an all-around great person. If you focus on being a clean, motivated, kind, and humorous individual, how can anyone resist? Some guys might be intimidated, and they're too insecure to be worth your interest anyway. But it's only a matter of time before a guy who can like you for who you really are will come around and see that you're an awesome person to be around.
* Some people prefer being friends first, others prefer to avoid the "just a friend" zone. Ideally, you can be a little bit of both--a friend and a romantic interest.
* Keep in mind that you cannot control what other people think and do. He may be the object of your interest, but that does not create any obligation that you be his. Turn the situation around. If there was some random guy who took an interest in you, is there anything that he could do to make you like him? Probably not. You will like him or not. You will find him attractive or not. You will find him funny or not. All he can do is try to be the best person he can be, and hope that you agree. The reverse is also true. Be the best person you can be, and let it develop--or not--from there.
* Don't talk about your other prospective guys with the guy you're interested in. It's just not good form, and it's a good way to get rid of him.
* If there is no sign of him being interested in you, that doesn't necessarily mean that he isn't interested. He could just be shy, or be a little frightened, especially if he hasn't dated anyone for a long time.
* And don't forget to smile! It's an age old, safe way to extend and invitation to a guy to socialize. Plus it's totally free and increases your face's real estate value instantly!


* Don't play stupid mind games or send mixed signals. This confuses the guy and has tons of potential for embarrassment.
* If your friends aren't the most mature, do not tell them about him. They will immediately start staring at him and start giggling and chatting and so on. No matter what you say to them, they will look at him. The worst case scenario is when your friends go off on their own and start pestering the guy with a whole lot of questions that all sound a lot like 'What do you think of Jessica?'. This will send him packing.
* Trying too hard to "get" a specific person to like you can be manipulative, something that no one finds attractive or wants to be the object of.
* If these steps work a little too well and he comes on too strong, let him know to take it easy and don't do anything you feel uncomfortable with.
* Don't confuse kindness with him liking you. Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference, but be attentive and you'll figure it out.
* If he is dating someone else, he is completely off limits. Respect him by not tempting him to get involved with someone else.
* DO NOT GET PREGNANT! sometimes when a guy likes you, his hormones run crazy, and he'll try to put you in that position. if he does, GET OUT!

So, what are you waiting for? Get your guy now before someone gets him! ^_^


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Phone Call

A girl quickly punches a number into her phone and waits until she hears the other line pick up.

“Becky, I don’t know what to do, I really don’t. I love him so much and I don’t think he thinks of me that way. I mean, whenever I see him or think of him, I can’t help it, this smile comes across my face. Sometimes he sees me smiling and smiles back. That’s when my knees turn to jello and I get butterflies in my stomach. I know you think that he’s is so totally adorable and cute, but if you look past that and actually listen to what he has to say, you find a totally different person. He’s so caring and considerate and he makes me feel like I don’t deserve him. Well, actually, I don’t deserve him. He’s too perfect, I mean, look at all the girls that fall over for him. I could never be one of those. Their all so pretty and bubbly and….. not me. I couldn’t even start to compare myself to them. But whenever I think of him or see him, I can’t help it, I smile. Now I didn’t tell you this but he called me the other day about homework. I tell you now, I made a complete fool of myself. I’m so embarrassed. I stuttered the whole time, but he was so sweet and just kept talking and making me feel better. He’s so perfect Becky, I don’t deserve him, so why do I keep wishing and praying that he will notice me, why?............Becky? Becky are you there?”

“This isn’t Becky.”

Petrified the girl asks, “Then who is this?”

“ This is the guy who’s smile turns your knees to jello and I just wanted to say one thing. Everything you just said now, I’ve been wanting to say since the day I met you.”


Friday, April 3, 2009



Your eyes, your smile.
Your touch, your kiss.
Your promise, your words.
Our everlasting bliss.

- Penelope Bell -