1. Be yourself.
Few things put a man off as much as artifice. So if you are talking louder or laughing or smiling more than you normally do, ease up. It may actually backfire. (this is the one of 5 Common First Date Mistakes)2. Extend this point to external appearances too.
If you are uncomfortable with very short skirts, high heels and dramatic make-up stay clear of them. A natural look and one that you are comfortable with, is very attractive.3. Accentuate your advantages.
Instead of killing your confidence by following uncomfortable fashion trends, look exquisite by just accentuating your physical advantages. Whether the most beautiful thing about you is your height, your complexion, your eyes or anything else, draw attention to it with flattering clothes and make-up.4. Take the initiative.
Shrinking coy violets rarely get noticed. So don’t wait the entire evening praying fervently that he will talk to you. Do it first. Smile or say hello to him. Your confidence will disarm him.
5. Leave small gates and windows open.
After you have surmounted that initial wall, leave small gates and windows open. Respond to him physically and verbally with frequent glances and smiles, commenting on the topics and statements he makes and laughing at his jokes. He will realize that you are interested in him.6. Find out what he likes.
Subtly find out what he likes - food, sports, cars etc and turn the direction of the group’s conversation into that direction. Sound knowledgeable and genuinely interested in those discussions.7. Position yourself cleverly.
If he wants to make a funny statement or share a grin with just you, do not let others obstruct his view or access. Move around constantly so that it is easy for him to see and speak to you, without sticking to his side all evening.
8. Have fun by yourself too.
If you are with another group of friends, do not spend the entire time watching his every move like a hawk. It will spook him. Enjoy yourself with your friends, get them laughing or talking animatedly to you. This will make him wish he was with your crowd…and especially with you. If he walks over or saunters past, give him a friendly smile or welcome.9. Let him know you are available.
Subtly indicate that you are not seeing anyone at present, particularly when you are about to leave, or see that he is. If this is too difficult, weave it into the general banter.10. Discuss the right topics.
When you are talking to each other in the group or just with each other, discuss topics that people normally discuss on first dates such as upcoming concerts, good movies, restaurants etc. Sound excited about these things without sounding eager and an invitation may just be a breath away.Now, can we go out together? ^^
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