Saturday, July 25, 2009
10 First-Date Mistakes
I was thinking about some of the common errors made on first dates. I came up with 10 common mistakes that could kill the chances for a second date:
Arriving Late
Even five minutes of lateness is inexcusable on the first date. People are already anxious on these excursions, so making someone wait and think more about everything is pretty rude. Seems like the trend in NYC is to be late for things regularly. On one date, I texted the girl and told her I was running late. She said she was too. We ended up just having the date ½ hour later than planned and technically no one was late because we were both ½ hour late together.
Wardrobe Malfunction
Make sure you cater what you wear to what you're doing. I try not to make a girl walk too much if she's in heels. Also, I've seen girls wear pearls and a nice blouse to trashy outdoor drinking events, or heels to sporting events.
Talking Politics or Religion
Staying away from debatable content is a good idea the first time out. It's fun to argue with your significant other, but I think it's important to reach a comfort level first. If you try to proselytize someone, or battle them over a hot topic like abortion, you may reach a point of no return.
Checking Out Other People
You'd think that no one would do this, but guys are always looking at waitresses, or other patrons when out. My one friend got in hot water because his date told me he made cat calls at other girls while on a date. Talk about a mistake!
Bringing Friends (Non Group Date)
If you bring friends along you look immature and insecure. You also throw the other person for a loop if they were expecting the date to be one-on-one. Make sure you establish that it is a one-on-one date, and follow the rules and show up alone.
Getting Too Drunk
Some people turn into a completely different person when they are drunk. Let the other person learn about you while you're sober, before you get wasted with them. Alcohol should be introduced into the relationship slowly, but if a drink or two takes the edge off, and wine adds romance it's fine. Just don't push it too far.
Being Too Aggressive
No one wants to deal with someone's wandering hands before they are ready. It is one of the best ways to creep someone out. Just because someone is getting dinner with someone once doesn't mean it's an invitation into the sack. It's best to be hands off on the first date.
Being Too Unaggressive
My friend Margaret warns me to be more aggressive all the time. She said that if I don't kiss someone at the end of a date, or make a move when they hop in my bed they will begin to think something's wrong with them, or that I'm not into them. Maybe that's true, but sometimes I am just being too safe so that I don't break the rule I just mentioned above.
Canceling at the Last Minute or Standing Someone Up
Canceling for a legitimate reason is fine, but respect your date's time so that they can plan their night without you. Canceling one hour before a date is not cool — most of the date prep has already started at this point. Standing someone up is so rude. What does it accomplish? If you change your mind, at least have the strength to just cancel. No need to make someone feel bad and waste their time just because you're too chicken to cancel the date.
Dominant Speaker
Try to breathe in between sentences, and don't talk too much. Give your date a chance to talk. Aren't you trying to get to know one another? And don't speak for that other person (i.e order for them at dinner) unless they invite you to help with their order.
Do you agree or disagree with any of these? Ever have these happen to you, or have you ever made these mistakes? Would you go on a second date after any of these mistakes? What would you add to this list?
Hope it helps guys. :)
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Dating Tips: Visual Deal-Breakers for Daters
Sunday, July 5, 2009
What Makes Men Fall in Love
Boiled down, guys have four primal relationship desires that are sometimes sated by the tiniest of moves by you. Here, experts explain with examples so you can put these insights to use when your guy is at the brink.
The Desire: To Protect
Believe it or not, the so-called stoic sex is hardwired to nurture. Sheltering you from harm makes him feel studly, which makes him feel good. “Not that you should act helpless, but letting him see your vulnerable side will bring him closer because it unlocks his instincts to take care of you,” says David Givens, PhD, author of Love Signals. So give him chances to take charge, and thank him after he does. When a guy associates you with feeling like Superman, of course he’ll want to couple up. These little things can draw out his hero side.
Give him a job. Ask him to fix or build you something. Performing concrete tasks is a way of bonding that enhances his sense of success.
Ask his opinion. Whether it’s about your 401(k) options or the best travel sites, it telegraphs that you value his brain as much as you do his brawn.
Wear soft materials. Delicate textures like rayon, silk, and fur trigger an intense response in men. These fabrics accentuate your softer, feminine nature, which heightens his amorous instincts.
Don his clothes. It shows that you’ve chosen him over other guys — sexy.
Read more here.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Dating 101: How to Tell if a Guy Is Cheating
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
The Secret Girlfriend Weapon

According to a study, there’s a love habit that’s crucial to the health of your union: focusing on each other’s good qualities. Of course, that’s easier said than done. It’s normal to see more of your guy’s flaws over time — the key is not letting them infringe on your affection. “If you can organize your thoughts around his strengths, you’ll concentrate on him as a whole instead of on his imperfections,” says study author John Holmes, PhD, professor of social psychology at the University of Waterloo. He found that couples who do this stay together longer.
We’re not suggesting you try to love his annoying behavior. But you can learn to flip your thinking so you look to the positive. Here, three ways to master the girlfriend mind trick.
Prove Yourself Wrong
When you’re bugged by something small your guy has done, it may not be that action that’s getting under your skin — something may be eating away at you on a deeper level. By figuring out what that is, you can shift your thinking so you’re less agitated.
First, question why you’re upset. For example, say he takes hours to reply to your texts, and you assume he doesn’t care about you. “Find evidence that proves you wrong,” suggests Los Angeles therapist Shannon Fox, PhD. Maybe he asked about an important meeting you had or wrote you the sweetest card. “Pointing out the contrary helps keep the annoyance in proportion,” notes Fox.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Dating 101: Everything You Know About Affairs Is Wrong
Myth #2: It's men who cheat.
Myth #4: A man is driven to infidelity when he's not happy in his relationship.
Five essential tips to prevent infidelity:
Monday, June 15, 2009
Dating 101: Will Your Guy Cheat on You?
Dating Factor: His Career
"Since testosterone is what drives men's quest for power, if a guy has achieved status, he's more likely to act on his desires." Remember that little Oval Office incident?
Friday, June 12, 2009
Love messages of the day
"When you are in Love you can't fall asleep because reality is better than your dreams."
-Dr Seuss
" We were given: Two hands to hold. To legs to walk. Two eyes to see. Two ears to listen. But why only one heart? Because the other was given to someone else. For us to find."
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Overcoming Jealousy

1. Leave the Players and the Flirts Behind
5. Draw the Line
Friday, June 5, 2009
Dating Reality: Surprising Reason Men Don't Call Women Back
Dating researcher reveals genuine confessions from single men and offers insight on how single women can improve first impressions
By dating coach Rachel Greenwald
- Soften your delivery. Some of the negative perceptions a man has about The Boss Lady are reactions to how she speaks and acts, not about her inherent personality. Toning down your conversation style from combative or challenging to gracious, and even a little flirtatious, goes a long way. And if you find yourself on opposite sides of an issue, try sprinkling qualifying words into your dialogue such as "I think" or "I wonder" or "maybe," which allow for disagreement but aren't adversarial.
- Look like a woman. At work, conservative and structured clothing allows you to be taken seriously, but it's not exactly sensual by candlelight. Don't go straight from work in your power suit to meet him for dinner; rather, change into something soft and flirty. And try growing your hair longer: men told me that shoulder-length hair (or longer) is more feminine. Sure, you're a strong and capable woman, but think Scarlett O'Hara not Hillary Clinton.
- Select what you need, not want. Like the Rolling Stones say, "You can't always get what you want, but you just might find, you get what you need." So think hard about the men you're selecting. For The Boss Lady, a nurturing, giving type of guy can be optimal (maybe he's a teacher or chef instead of Wall Street broker?). That's the opposite image of what most successful career women seek, but your best match might be a man who balances you emotionally: someone who is laid-back, sweet, surrendering, and patient. He might be just what you need.
Did it help? or it just sucks? Let me know by giving your comments! :)
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Dating 101: Guys Who Don't Get the 2nd Date

I read this article of Rachel Greenwald, a dating coach, that will really help many puzzled guys out there about not getting a second date:
The Incessant Flatterer
The Edgeless Man
The Over-Gusher
The Sweetie
Do Nice Guys Finish Last?
Monday, May 25, 2009
Dating 101: Four Signs He's Over You

Has your guy been behaving strangely lately? Be warned: This could be his exit strategy.
By Dating blogger Gregory Gilderman
Sure, guys are supposed to be the tougher sex, but when it comes to breaking up with a chick, we turn into serious wusses. Of course, we know the right thing would be to sit you down and say, "Listen, it's over." But no -- instead, we use passive-aggressive tactics in the hopes that you'll hate us so much, you'll pull the plug first. Some clues your guy could be taking the coward's way out...
#1. He Doesn't Do What He Says He Will
Yes, it's true: You usually have to ask guys about 10 times before they'll actually help you put in those bathroom shelves -- that's typical. But when he promises to go with you to a friend's party and then bails or doesn't call when he says he will, that's a problem. "When I started losing interest in my ex, I intentionally became really flaky," says Bruce, 24. "I just didn't feel like going out of my way for her anymore."
#2. He Keeps Asking You, "Are We Okay?"
Let's be honest here: Single men hate to talk about relationships. So if he starts suggesting weekly powwows, take notice. "I didn't want to just flat out break her heart, so instead, I tried to hint that I wasn't the right guy for her," says Jack, 32. "I'd ask, 'So, what do you want for the future?' Since I knew she wanted a guy who could take care of her financially, I'd say something like 'I don't want to be a VP someday. Money is overrated.' After enough of these talks, she realized I wouldn't be the rich husband she wanted."
#3. He Makes You into the Bad Guy
Your guy starts constantly choosing his buddies over you... and yet, he says you're the selfish one. It's called deflecting. "I'd been wanting to break up with my girl, but I couldn't bring myself to do it," explains Tyler, 28. "So instead, I made it seem like she was a rotten girlfriend by telling her she wasn't giving me enough of her time or accusing her of cheating." See how it works? Eventually, you'll be dying to free yourself from his incessant harping (or so he hopes).
#4. He Makes Comments About Attractive Women
Look, no guy is stupid enough to go on about how sensual some random chick is in front of his girlfriend... unless, of course, he's trying to be inconsiderate. "Once I knew it was over, I just stopped censoring myself," says David, 27. "If I were watching a music video on TV, I would say that I'd never seen a body so perfect. I knew it upset her, but I just didn't care at that point."
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Dating Rules: Secrets to Keep and Secrets to Spill

Girls out there! Confused whether you're gonna tell your partner your greatest secrets or not? Here's an article of Marisa Cohen that will really help you in that:
In a perfect relationship, you wouldn't keep any secrets from your sweetie. And you'd never have to worry if he were keeping anything from you, because his life, too, would be an open book.
But we live in the real world, where even the healthiest couples sometimes hide things from each other. To most of us, the secret to end all secrets (and many relationships) is an affair -- and no one will quibble with the devastating consequences of infidelity. Yet even "small" deceptions can rock a relationship, and it can be hard to draw the line between what's harmless and what's not.
So how to tell what can stay safely tucked away and what calls for a confession? We asked dating experts to outline the rules for secret keeping (and sharing).
Dating Rule #1: Secrets You Must Spill
If you want a relationship grounded in mutual trust (and who doesn't?), certain issues require full disclosure. "If something has a chance of impacting your partner's future or his life with you, then he has a right to know about it," says Mira Kirshenbaum, a relationship expert and author of "Is He Mr. Right?" This includes anything from the past that has reverberations in the present (lingering debts, a chronic medical condition, past emotional abuse), and anything in the present that could affect the future (a health scare, a potential downsizing at work).
As many couples find out too late, when you keep a secret that profoundly affects your family, you face a double whammy when the secret eventually -- or inevitably -- implodes: After the first shock wave from the hidden truth rips through the family, you're hit with the secondary tremors that come from the resulting feelings of betrayal and distrust. "My husband was running a retail website, and he assured me it was doing well," recalls Karen, a 39-year-old mom of two. "I thought I could stay home with my children and not have to worry about making money myself." A year ago, however, Karen discovered that her husband's business was in the hole for more than $1 million, and he had taken out a line of credit against their house. The truth came out only when he announced that he would have to take an additional job. "I was furious!" Karen says. A year later, her family has begun recovering from the financial blow, but Karen is still dealing with her sense of hurt, anger, and betrayal.
When confronted with such a big, sudden revelation, it's natural to think, "Why didn't you tell me? I'm the one person on earth who is supposed to understand!" But the reasons men, in particular, keep secrets like these are multilayered, say the experts. They may, like Karen's husband, want to keep up an appearance of being strong and in control -- out of fear that you'll stop loving them if you see them in a different, vulnerable light. They may be loath to deal with the turbulence they know their secret will unleash. And yes, some men may just hope that silence will help them avoid a fight. "Men are wary of women's emotional reactivity and usually shy away from conflicts," says Redbook Love Network expert Scott Haltzman, M.D., author of "The Secrets of Happily Married Men." "They'll do anything to avoid making a woman furious, though they usually end up making things worse."
Even when your secret is something that seems minor to you, you must be open with your partner if it's related to a topic he's expressed curiosity or a strong opinion about. "As soon as you get serious with someone, sit down and ask him, 'Is there anything you want to know about me that I haven't told you yet?'" advises Redbook Love Network expert Harville Hendrix, Ph.D., author of "Getting the Love Your Want." It's a clear-the-air strategy even long-term couples can use. And as counterintuitive as this may sound, the more likely your partner is to freak out about your secret, the more important it is that you confess, Hendrix adds, because if the truth about a sensitive subject comes out later, the rupture could be even more serious. Not only does your partner need all of this information to be able to make informed decisions about your life together, he also needs to know that you trust him enough to share it. "If you don't tell your partner about something, then you're really saying he's not wise enough, generous enough, or loving enough to handle it," says Kirshenbaum. "And that can be deeply wounding."
Dating Rule #2: Secrets to Consider Spilling
If you're honest with yourself, then it's not too hard to figure out which secrets fall into the "Red Light! Stop and Spill Everything" category. But what about the ones -- especially those transgressions from your distant past -- that belong in the murkier "Slow Down and Think Before You Spill" zone? On the one hand, if some embarrassing episode from your history is long past and has no impact on your life today, you can consider keeping your lips sealed.
Here's another important factor when weighing whether or not to tell. Murphy's Law of love says that the less you want a secret to be revealed, the more likely it is to suddenly spring up in your relationship like a jack-in-the-box, shouting, "Gotcha!" So consider this: Are there any pictures floating around on the Internet that might give you away? Any friends who have a habit of telling your somewhat sordid old stories after a couple of mojitos? How about an ex-lover who could potentially reappear? If there's any way your partner might accidentally learn your secret, it's better that you do the telling first.
Coming clean about your romantic past is a worthy goal, but Kirshenbaum warns that you must tread carefully. "You don't need to give the exact number of previous lovers or endless details about what you did with them," she says. "There's absolutely no point in filling your partner's head with mental images that can't be deleted."
Dating Rule #3: Shhh! Secrets That Won't Kill Him
Sure, as a rule, honesty is the best policy. But anyone who's been in a long-term relationship knows that there is definitely some wiggle room when it comes to keeping a few personal tidbits to yourself, provided they are harmless and don't involve any outright lies. Maybe you earned a bonus and spent it all on a new leather jacket without telling him; or he listens to Howard Stern on the radio on his way to work and doesn't tell you. "Even when we're married, we still have private selves," says Kirshenbaum. "It's healthy to have a sense that this is my personal business and no one else's." In fact, keeping an innocent little part of yourself off-limits can add some spark to your relationship. If he knew every last detail about your life, what fun revelations could there possibly be in the future?
Some couples find that hanging a veil of secrecy over certain aspects of their lives helps make their marriages run much more smoothly. "For the first decade of our marriage, my husband and I fought over every purchase I made, from a bag of cleaning supplies to a new coat," says Laurel, 36. "Finally, I had this breakthrough: if he doesn't see a bill, he won't think about it! So now I use cash when I shop. If I want to buy a pair of shoes, and I can afford them, he doesn't have to know how much they cost. Believe me, everyone in the house is a lot happier now."
Just make sure you and your guy are on the same page. If you're both willing to trade complete candor for a bit of ignorance-is-bliss harmony, then there's no harm, and plenty of potential gain. But, Haltzman points out, this deal only works when it goes both ways. Don't harass him about the cost of his new camera lens if you don't want him to ask you the price of that new handbag -- and when it doesn't involve an area you are working on together, like a budget. "If your partner has expressed a desire to work cooperatively on something and you're still keeping information from him, then you've crossed that line," Haltzman says.
One clue that your secret is a healthy one: The evidence is usually hidden in plain sight. If your partner really wanted to know how much those shoes cost, he could notice the fancy label on the insole; if you really wanted to know what offensive radio show he was listening to, you could click on his preprogrammed radio stations next time you're in the car.
Some deceptions are just plain burdensome, often creating more anxiety and distress than coming clean ever would. "I agonized about my secret for the first several months I was dating my now husband," says Cathy, 41. "I'm 10 years older than he is, and I was sure he would dump me if he found out." Her day of reckoning came when they joined Paul's mother for dinner at a Chinese restaurant. "She looked on the place mat and said, 'I was born in the year of the monkey. Which year are you?'" Cathy steeled herself and told the truth, revealing her age. "I was sure my boyfriend would break up with me, but he just laughed and said he didn't think I was too old for him. He was worried that I would think he was too young for me!" Proof that the truth has a way of coming out -- and when you've got a partner you trust, it doesn't have to be so awful after all.
How to Spill a Secret
Here's the smart and sensitive way to tell your guy what you've been hiding:
Make an appointment. Don't just spring it on him. Say, "I have something important to discuss with you. Can we find an hour tonight to talk?"
Pick the right spot. Avoid spilling in a crowded public place, like a restaurant, or your bedroom, which should be reserved for positive experiences. Find a safe, neutral spot, like the den or a park.
Be prepared to apologize. "The big mistake is trying to make it seem as if the revelation is no big deal," says marriage counselor Mira Kirshenbaum. "You need to say, 'I'm sorry, there's something I should have told you a long time ago, but I was ashamed to tell you. I hope you'll forgive me.'"
Enlist a third party. A major reveal works best with a referee. Recruit a friend you both trust -- or in the case of the biggest bombshells, such as an affair, a marriage counselor.
How to Know if Someone Likes You Romantically

Step 1
Pay attention to your conversations with the person in question. Does this person show a special interest in having a conversation with you and, once started, make an effort to keep that conversation going?
Step 2
Is this person "accidentally" running into you in places where he or she knows you will be, such as at your desk? At the Laundromat on Tuesdays? At your brother's birthday party?
Step 3
Make a note if he or she mentions future plans to spend time with you: "That band is coming to town soon. We should really get tickets."
Step 4
Spend time alone together. Canceling other plans in order to be with you longer, or not finding excuses to leave, could be a sign of interest.
Step 5
Has he or she been calling for random reasons, such as, "I was wondering if you knew what that pizza place down the street is called," followed by, "Are you hungry?"
Step 6
Has this person taken a sudden interest in your life and hobbies? This is a sure sign that he or she is interested in something - and it's probably not your stamp collection.
Step 7
Observe how the person acts around your friends - he or she might be extra friendly to your closest pals for a reason.
Body Language
Step 1
Sometimes seeing someone you have a crush on results in telltale physiological signs. Does the person in question blush when you look at him or her? His or her sympathetic nervous system is probably going into overdrive. Does he or she have trouble speaking, using jumbled words when talking to you?
Step 2
See if the person in question mirrors your motions: When you lean back, he or she leans back; when you put your elbows on the table, he or she does the same.
Step 3
Note whether this person sits or stands in the open position - that is, facing you with arms uncrossed. In addition, a woman tends to cross her legs in a man's direction.
Step 4
Does he or she move closer to you and/or touch you subtly, such as with a pat of your hand or a touch of your cheek?
Step 5
Other elements of body language include frequent eye contact, holding your gaze and looking down before looking away, energetic speech coupled with open hands, and flashing palms.
Step 6
Does the person you're wondering about just plain smile at you a lot?
Monday, May 11, 2009
How to Be Kissable
it's better to pause Taylor Swift's Love Story up there, and play this song:

How to Be Kissable (Don't Laugh! This is for real!)
1. Have fresh breath. Begin by brushing and flossing your teeth twice daily. During the day, especially after meals, use breath mints or breath strips, also floss after brushing may help. Breath strips work better, especially if you've just ended a garlicky dinner or what not. Be careful about gum because you will have to get rid of it before kissing. Or keep it and once you are more comfortable, you might suggest a game where you and your partner try to trade pieces.
2. Make sure that your lips are well moisturized. You should also apply lip balm frequently (carry one in your pocket or purse). This will help keep your lips soft. Simply brush your lips with your tongue. Make sure it is not over powering though.
3. Don't forget to look after your skin. Use products with shea butter, it's better than most other skincare ingredients and it doesn't leave a greasy feel after use (who would want to kiss you if your skin shines like sweat?).
4. Make plenty of eye contact. This provides the intimate connection that is an invitation to kissing. If you have large glasses try taking them off, or getting contacts for the future. Some people absolutely hate it when your glasses start to interfere with the contact. Try taking them off before kissing though, since a hand gesture toward your glasses might be found unromantic.
5. Being comfortable makes you appear more relaxed and therefore more kissable. Make sure you are wearing comfortable clothes. And if you're a guy, most people like smooth hairless faces so don't forget to shave if you need to.
6. Make sure to look at your (future) partner's lips every once in a while. This connotes the idea of kissing and hopefully he/she will pick up the hint. If they do not look back at your lips, don't worry it's just not the best time in your relationship.
7. Ensure your mouth isn't carrying a river of fluid! Just before kissing - swallow discretely. As you move your tongue around your mouth(French) and use a very light sucking action (standard kiss), the glands on your tongue and in your mouth will produce more mucus. You don't want your lips dry but you certainly don't want to dribble in your partner's mouth either.
8. Smile and relax. When you are tense, your whole body will respond including your tongue and lips. Don't worry - they are probably as nervous as you are in either a first kiss or the first kiss of a new can now be an expert first time round.
* When you notice your partner leaning towards you & looking you dead in the eye,he or she wants to kiss. If the environment is not conducive to a kiss, use the next opportunity.
* A surprise kiss is often quite memorable, but if you don't know if the person likes you as more than a friend, it can be a disaster. You should always have consent.
* When you kiss someone (especially if it is just a casual kiss) DO NOT pucker your lips (in other words, don't "smooch")! Say the word "peaches" silently to yourself- your lips will be in the perfect position. It also helps not to lick your lips; no one likes a messy, wet kiss.
* If you smoke or dip tobacco, quit! In addition to being bad for your health, smoking or dipping yellows your teeth and causes severe bad breath, which will keep others from even thinking about kissing you!
* Some people want to kiss in the earlier stages in a relationship. If you want to kiss, most likely the person you're with wants to kiss. Go for it!
* If you are a girl wear a light shade of lipstick or flavored lip gloss so it shows your partner you are up for a kiss.
* Guys, having a clean shaven face is best. A stubble can hurt the girl after a while from constant rubbing.
* Guys, chapstick or vaseline won't hurt
* Make your kiss last long, and if you want to remember it keep your position and keep following up with kisses. You don't want your kiss to be over in a second.
* Sometimes, while kissing its fun to run your fingers through your partner's hair vice versa for them. So it might be a turn-off if your hair is super stiff. Try to avoid heavy duty hair products if you think you'll be kissing that night!
* Set your limits, if all you want to do is kiss, make it clear, and don't ever go past your zone of comfort
* Make sure you don't have chapped lips, this could keep someone from kissing you. so put on some chapstick!
* If you have severe bad breath that is not helped by brushing, flossing, etc., consult your dentist or doctor. Listerine might help so an extra 30 seconds will not hurt!
Things You'll Need
* A person who is open to kissing activities
* Breath mints (highly recommended)
* Lip mask (optional but works well, especially for easily chapped lips!)
* Lip balm (optional)
Now, I cant wait to see how kissable are you! Alrighty! HAHA! :)
Friday, May 8, 2009
General dating rules for Women
Dating Rules for Women
The Do's and Dont's of dating for the modern female
Guys: If you don't like this, look away now.
In another dating article on this site, you will find a general set of rules than men should follow when dating. In the same way, women have some general rules that they should contend with when entering the dating jungle. Now I know everyone is different, so don't take things too seriously here. There has been some controversy over some literature published in the USA that lays out in detail the rules a woman should follow to get her guy (or gal). Ellen Fein and Sherrie Schneider's 1995 bestseller "The Rules," explains how women should play hard if they want to get their guy. I can understand why some groups would be hostile about this, but the fact is that when we grow up, there are a predefined set of dating rules. What happens is that we forget most of them after the age of 21, and then realize we need to relearn them.
I wish there weren't any general rules, but courtship is a ritual. There are things that we make happen that excite, stimulate, create interest and confound. Dating is a long test of compatibility. Are we perfectly matched? If we just threw ourselves together, then the chances of long term happiness might be compromised. And yet previous generations managed to succeed on a far less complex courtship criteria list. Many arranged marriages work all too interestingly.
In every society there are a predefined set of social rules we follow, from the way and timing of eating to the way we behave in public. The issue here is that when women date, there are some things that can help them be more successful. If we accept that dating is a game, then there are rules to that game. There are winners and losers. If you know the rules in advance, it gives you a head start. If men know the rules by which you are playing, you may change the rules to suit the situation to keep the man guessing. Men love a challenge, so feel free to adapt rules and add them as you feel inclined.
You can separate rules out into two parts, dating and online dating. Both areas have distinct rules that a woman should follow for dating success.
General Dating Rules
- Always look great, whatever your income. Gorgeous hair and some lipstick with rags will still turn his head. You have the advantage. You are the woman. Look your best as you could meet a potential Mr. Right anywhere at any time.
- Never reveal information you don't have to. An enigmatic woman drives men wild.
- Keep dates brief, but your men interested. Less is always more.
- Try and stay in shape and involve some fitness regime at a gym. However much you hate it, your Mr. Right loves your body as much as your mind.
- Let your man pay. If he is interested, he is interested enough to ensure you eat well and get home safely in a cab.
- Ensure you receive flowers. If he doesn't know what a florist is, dump him.
- Never ever sleep with a guy until he has fallen for you. Sex early in your dating game plan will ruin everything.
- Always keep a guy waiting and never turn up early. It is a lady's perogative.
- Never be available when he wants you to be. Never be at the end of a phone when he calls and always let him leave a message or two first before replying.
- If he is available Tuesday, you are available Thursday.
- Weekend shopping trips with girlfriends are sacred and not available for dates.
- Keep your man standing on quicksand by shifting landmarks and goalposts constantly.
- Ensure you are a good kisser. Men will walk away if you cannot kiss. Practice on a mirror if you have to.
- Never ever talk about previous boyfriends, particularly their prowess in the bedroom. Your ex-boyfriends are your business only.
- Never assume anything about your date until you choose to know him better. You cannot always tell by looking.
- If any man shows the slightest signs of possessiveness or insecurity, run like the wind. Life is too short for boys.
- If his shoes or hygiene are a disgrace, dump him.
- Never talk too much about your father and how your date measures up in comparison.
- Never ever come across as too available or too desperate. He will run a mile. He is the one doing the chasing.
- If the guy in the corner is gorgeous, go get him and create the need in him for you. Never wait for men to come to you because you may watch him leave with someone else.
- You may well have all the bodily functions of a man, just try not to demonstrate them early on.
- If you want a child, don't mention it on the first few dates.
- Never ever criticize his mother unless you want to remain single.
Online Dating Rules
- Always let them come to you, don't chase them via email.
- Block anyone who annoys you instantly.
- Post the best and most vampish photo you can find.
- Don't reply to instant messages with clever opening lines.
- Remain aloof and let yourself be chased.
- Always reply to emails at least 3 days after receipt.
- Never provide your real email or phone details.
- Always date safely and protect yourself at every turn.
- Make sure your login name is stunning and sexy, as well as enigmatic.
- Do not login for hours on end. Short, rapid visits are best.
- Do not assume the person you are talking to is destitute or sad.
- Never ever reply to emails on weekends. Wait until a weekday.
- Never state how good your sexual performance is in your profile.
- If you don't want to date married men, spell it out in your profile.
- A man who doesn't reply to your email within 3 days should be ignored.
- Make sure your humor levels come across in text.
- Do not chat to hundreds of men at once. The delay in replying is a dead giveaway and your Mr. Right will be off.
- Don't even think about misrepresenting your size or description. They will find out.
- Come across as cool and sophisticated for best results
Ladies, always remember that you are a sexy, desirable woman and the world is your oyster. Always let men do the chasing and always allow yourself to be the chooser. Always stay safe and never risk yourself for the sake of attending a date. Always use a safe dating Website.
Now, hope both general dating rules for men and women will help you guys. Some tips doesn't have any sense but most tips are very EFFECTIVE. Better try or apply it now. :)
General dating rule for Men
General Dating Rules For Men
The Ins and Outs of the Dating Game for Guys

You are a guy who is always in a serious relationship. You are a guy who hasn't dated in years. Or maybe you're a guy who has never been successful with women. Whatever your situation, there are some common dating rules to follow when venturing into the dating jungle. These conventions even the playing field, preparing you for success while protected your emotions. Women are trained from day one in the art of dating warfare. They have a physical and emotional arsenal that you may never hope to match. But you won't be outgunned if you properly prepare for the battle.
1. Look your best. Get some decent clothes and shoes. Women always look at your shoes, even if you last checked your Nikes in 1996. Get clothes that fit you, suit you and are contemporary. Don't just buy one outfit, sort out your entire wardrobe. Buy a nice tailored suit, there is no excuse not to. If you can't take care of yourself, how are you going to take care of her?
2. Sort out your hygiene and styling. Go down to the barbers and clean up your hair, getting it styled if possible. If you don't have much hair, still get down to the salon, maybe get your head shaved. Or just get a regular shave, a professional shave will leave your face looking and feeling great. Then it is off to the shops with you for good quality cologne and a grooming kit. Men are so often criticized for smelling bad. Get into a regular showering routine so you will always smell fresh and clean. Women appreciate it.
3. Sort out your job if you have one. Women want a man who has some ambition in life. Coasting along as a skateboard instructor is generally not going to win you a real catch (though I'd give it a go, I love skateboarding). Any job is better than none, but knuckle down and sort out some direction in your life. If possible try and look like you have something of a career. If you have a manual job, at least have some plans to work for yourself, and if you already do, then you are on the right track. But know what you are about work wise and have some idea of your future plans because women will ask questions about your prospects. Even if they pretend it isn't important, it is.
4. Be in the know. Make sure you are up to date with current affairs, watch the news and read quality papers. Women do not appreciate stupidity, and laziness is no excuse for sounding dumb. Current affairs are important in showing you know all about the world we live in. If you travel a lot then this will help tremendously. If you don't, make plans to travel and tell her about it. Proving you are willing and able to plan vacations is essential in the grand scheme of things.
5. Do not extol the virtues of drinking in the bar 5 nights a week. This will never win any fair princess's heart. If you spend all your time boozing with the boys, it's time to take a step back and pick up some more productive habits. Taking your lady for a drink is fine, especially if you take her to get cocktails at a nice lounge, but give them the impression that you live there will get you absolutely nowhere fast.
6. Keep your super fan status in check. If you love your sports and enjoying watch the game with your buddies, fine. If sport is a religion and you have your favorite player's number tattooed on your back, you may have a problem. If you are serious about dating, rattling off baseball stats, ranting about unfair umpires and constantly check the score will put them off in record time. To the uninitiated, sports are completely boring, and many women interpret the obsession as a total lack of thought, creativity or inspiration. Millions of girls love sports too, and rooting for the same team is great, but don't make your passion into a one-sided one.
9. Never expect sex on a first date. If all you are after is sex, you have come to the wrong place for reading material. If you are looking for the girl of your dreams, there is nothing sexier than a patient man. You are easily capable of waiting for the right woman.
10. Read up on manners, courtesy and chivalry. A woman likes being treated with respect. Lose the coarse language, the swear words, the rudeness and the laziness. Know how to eat in a top restaurant. Know about fashion, jewelry and flowers. Know how to hold a door open for a woman, let her go first and help her with her seat. Listen to what she says but have opinions of your own too. Show her respect and manners at every step and you'll be on the right path.
11. Start listening and stop talking. Keep your date interested but don't turn into a one-man circus. She will bore of you quickly because she wants to talk about herself too. Listen to things she tells you about her and remember them. Women love to chat so you need to learn to listen to her. Remembering things she told you will impress her even more.
12. Give up smoking. Now.
13. Learn to dance even if you have two left feet. Women love to dance and it puts you two in close contact. It is also romantic and sexy. You can be the world's worst dancer, I don't care. But if you stay seated when she is on that dance floor you may as well not exist. Try joining salsa and ballroom classes. You don't need to be Travolta but you should have an idea of the basics of rhythm. Get started today.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Problems in Love Relationships
| “Personal unhappiness |
"You don't love me
like I love you"
Problems can creep in when we start to have thoughts of “do I love him more than he loves me?” We start examining all the things we do for our lover. All the ways we express our love and how much time and energy we’re putting into the relationship. Then we try to figure out if our lover is giving an equal amount back. If we perceive a discrepancy in that balance sheet, we start to back away from the relationship. We don't want to love more than they love. We become fearful that if we love them more than they love us, we might be played for a fool. Useful Questions:
- Focus on how you feel when YOU are loving. Does loving someone feel good regardless if it’s returned? Is your loving someone conditional on them loving you back? If so, why?
- Do you feel loved when your partner isn’t around? If not, why not? Do you accept yourself, appreciate your qualities?
- Are you doing things for your lover that you really don't want to do, but feel you need to, to keep their love? Are you doing things for them, expecting something in return? What are you expecting? And have you told them what that is?
- Have you talked to your partner about what things cause you to feel loved? (Don’t get caught up in “if they loved me, they’d know”, cause they don’t.)
"We don't have anything in common anymore."
You love each other and that's why you got together in the first place, but you don't really seem to have much in common anymore. You’re into philosophy and art. They're into sports. You like books and going for walks, and she always wants to go sailing. But you tell yourself that marriage is a sacrifice. A give and take. You’ve been told you should put aside your own interests to make the relationship work. You have to compromise, right? But when you give up what you love for the sake of the relationship, you end up resenting the person and conclude you don't have anything in common.
If you had these differences when you fell in love, chances are it's not about having nothing in common, but not having the connection and intimacy you once had.
Useful Questions:
- Has the amount of one-on-one time changed since you first met?
- Do you still share everything with your partner like you use to?
- What would happen if you did what you wanted, and they did what they wanted?
- How much time do you have to spend with your lover to feel you have a successful relationship? How did you arrive at that amount? What would it mean if you had separate interests?
- Do you see yourself and your partner as two separate people who choose to be together or do you feel some type of obligation?
- Do you believe “Love means to sacrifice.”? If so, why?
"We can't talk about that."
Every time you approach certain subjects, it turns into an argument. In the back of your mind, you decide to avoid that topic in the future because you don't want to fight. You don't want the conflict. You believe fighting means the relationship is on rocky ground or is threatening to the relationship. You want to stay together, but believe if you fight, you might separate. So you become afraid to talk about one or two subjects. Over time, that list of "don't touch that one" becomes more and more numerous. And as the list of avoided topics grows, it starts to feel like you can't talk with each other anymore. You feel distant and detached. You start wondering how much longer you can live like this. The silence grows.Useful Questions:
- Examine your beliefs about love and arguing. Are you afraid of being hurt in relationships? Does disagreeing with someone always mean hurt feelings? If so, why? How could you do it differently?
- Do you limit yourself in some way when with your lover? Why? What might happen if you let them see and hear all of you?
- Is honesty in your love relationship ever a “wrong” move?
Why do you believe that? (Read more about how honesty effects relationships) - Talk to your partner about your concerns while keeping the focus on your feelings and not their behavior. (Helpful hint: Be watchful of terms like “you always, you never, you make me feel.” Try this instead: “When you [the behavior], I find myself felling [your feelings]...”)
- Learn to be more accepting of your partner by becoming more accepting of yourself.
"It would be easier to start over with someone else."
Some time has passed in the relationship and you've both built up lies. Some big ones but mostly small ones. They're not blatant lies, but mostly unspoken thoughts and feelings. The intentions behind the lies were to protect yourself and your partner from pain. But now, your problems seem overwhelming and you can't talk openly and honestly about them because you've already established a certain pattern of communication. It seems it would be considerably easier to just start fresh with a new partner. One where you could be yourself without fear.Useful Questions:
- Is honesty in your love relationship ever a “wrong” move?
Why do you believe that? (Read more about how honesty effects relationships) - Get clear on what you've lied about to your partner. What would happen if you shared what you learned? What is the worst that would happen? Are you capable of handling that? Why or why not?.
- Figure out what you're afraid would happen if you were honest with them about those issues.
- Talk to your partner about your concerns of being TOTALLY honest. Keep the focus on YOUR feelings and not their behavior.
- Muster up the courage to tell them what you've lied about. Repeat to yourself, "No matter what happens, I will be okay."
"If you loved me you would....."
Unspoken and unacknowledged expectations take a large toll in relationships. In having expectations, you're expecting your partner to be a certain way in order to believe they love and care about you. If you don't get what you expect, you conclude all kinds of negative things about the relationship that may not be true.Useful Questions:
- Do your expectations have to be fulfilled for you to be happy? If so, why?
- Do you expect your partner to conform to your wants? What does it mean when they don't?
- Do you have preset rules in your love relationships? If so, what are they and why?
- Do you find yourself often saying “he should” or “she should”?
- Do you have any “If you loved me you would...[fill in the blank]'s”? If so, what are they?
- Can you think of a time you didn't do what someone wanted you to do? Did you love them, even though you didn't do what they wanted? Could it be the same with your partner?
- Do you use another’s words and actions as “evidence or proof” that they love you?. If your partner does that thing or activity you want, then do they love you? If they don't, is that a sign they don't love you or care? If yes, why?
- Understand everyone has different wants, desires, and beliefs about what it means to be loving.
- Be Honest
- Examine what expectations you DO have, then openly discuss them with your partner. Find out what theirs are.